Here it is August 4th and, believe it or not, this is the first time in 2010 we have been able to sit outside. Sheesh, what a year. Some of you may recognize that handsome devil on the right as a (for now) current inmate at The Tech. Big D is counting down the days until he walks to the parkade (or the underground parking garage as the new parkade is called) for the last time. That could account for the undeniably high level of exuberance in his demeanor. Or maybe he's just happy to see us.

I wouldn't have thought it possible but he looks even more exuberant in 3D!

Big D and Don do a little catching up.

Here's somebody else trying to do the exuberance thing. Is he pulling it off? You decide.

It being our first Klatsch alfresco, the goils decided to have a frozen treat.

A few days before the Klatsch Dan, Dan, the Macheesmo Man e-mailed the KlatschMeister to say that he should ask Angel if she could see into the future. El Klatscho said he would do that so, on the way out, he and Big D stopped by the cafe and enquired if the lady who had sold us our bevvies was, in fact, Angel. She said she was and we then asked her if she could see into the future. She said that she could. As a test, we asked her if the threatening-looking clouds would dump hail on us as we drove back home. She said they would not. And they did not. So I guess she really can see into the future.

On the way out to our cars, Mr. Digby inquired after the whereabouts of PVS, specifically, if he ever comes back to Calgary. He has not been here for a while but if he comes for a visit some time, Big D has a little souvenir from the Toot to pass along. Can anybody guess what this thing is?